How to detect and prevent termites

    Termites are a destructive and secretive insect that can silently empty our homes, furniture, clothing, books, and destroy the decoration of new homes.
Due to the hidden activities of termites, termites most of the time live in the underground, inside the wall or inside the wood, its harm is generally difficult to be found, often until the food is empty to see, once found the harm is already very serious, the loss can not be recovered.
So, in our daily life, how can we tell if there are termites in our home?
In general, April, May and June every year, is the season of termites, of which the middle of May is the peak period, and it is also the best time for us to find termites and destroy termites. If there are any of the following signs in your home, you should be careful of termites:
1. in the heavy rain or hot weather, found that long-winged insects fly in groups indoors, or in the evening, found that winged insects gather in large numbers under the lamp to fly, the wings are mostly black and transparent. These indicate that there are termites in the house or termites ready to enter the nest.

2. When neighbors find termites, regardless of whether they are in the common wall, their homes should be vigilant.

3, to see whether the house wood parts have termite borer marks, to see whether the wood parts or walls have blocky, banded soil (ant road), to see whether the trunk of the garden trees appear large and linear soil, these signs are that there are termites.

4. Knock on the suspected part (wood), and if the hollow sound is emitted, there may be termite activity.

5. Look at windowsills, floors, or other places for missing wings.

6. Pry open suspicious parts of the floor or other wooden pieces to check for termites.

7. to test whether the floor is elastic, drop phenomenon, if it may have termite harm.

Prevention and treatment methods:

1. termite colony reproduction is a natural law, once found in their own home with termites, do not panic, the correct way to deal with is to close the doors and Windows, clean a pile of boiled water to kill, can prevent the reproduction of termites fly into the establishment of a new colony.

2. pay attention to the protection of the scene, because the treatment of termites requires professional technology, tools and effective drugs. Do not use insecticides for spraying, because common insecticides are resistant to termites; Moreover, it is difficult to effectively eliminate termites hidden in the ground or walls, but it will cause the spread of ant damage, and bring difficulties to the effective and thorough eradication of termites.

Post time: Jun-12-2024