How to get rid of flies?

Most of the time, flies incubate outside and then they will enter a home through openings such as worn down weather stripping, damaged screens, or if doors are left open or ajar. Flies prefer to live in warmer environments and are attracted to warm air currents coming from buildings during cold weather. Once inside, female flies can lay between 75 and 150 eggs at a time, usually deposited in compost piles, trash cans, and decaying organic material. When compressed, all the eggs are only about the size of a pea, which makes them very difficult to spot. In addition, fruit flies, in particular, can be brought into a home by sticking to food brought in from outside, as they are attracted to wasted food and overripe produce.

To prevent flies infestations, it is essential to seal exterior weak spots and practice vigilant sanitation. Due to their small size, flies can find their way into even the smallest cracks and crevices. Sealing all outdoor areas around the house and ensuring that all weather stripping and screens are secure will help keep the house free of flies. Indoors, be sure to throw out trash regularly, keep all counter surfaces clean, and remove any decaying food or pet droppings as quickly as possible to reduce potential breeding sites.

fly hunter

Post time: May-17-2024