How to tell if there are bedbugs in your home and how to kill them

1.The habits of bedbugs

Bedbugs are small insects that suck blood and metabolize a smelly fluid, so wherever they crawl, they leave a nasty smell. At the same time, the stink glands can also be used as a defensive weapon, and they can smoothly escape when they encounter enemies. Bedbugs are afraid of light and are usually active at night, sucking blood from humans while they sleep. However, they are very alert and flexible, and when sucking blood, if the body moves slightly, it terminates the blood and crawls away to hide. The nymphs and adults of bedbugs rely on blood to live, and the amount of blood can exceed 1-2 times of their body weight, and the bedbugs can mate and reproduce normally after sucking blood. Bedbug life history belongs to incomplete metamorphosis, the whole life goes through egg, nymphs, adult 3 stages. The development from egg to adult is mainly related to temperature; At the right temperature of around 35 ° C, bedbugs complete their entire life cycle in only about a month.


Bedbug Monitor

2.Stink bug traces

(1) Small black spots – In fact, this is bedbug feces, dissolved in water, will show blood color.

(2) Smell – Bed bugs have a pair of stink glands, so wherever the bug crawls creates an unpleasant smell.

(3) Blood spots – Bed bugs feed on blood and may spill blood when they are full; On the other hand, it is sucking blood, just when people turn over, accidentally being pressed, there will be bleeding phenomenon.

(4) Red bumps – Bedbug bites produce an alkaline saliva that prevents blood from clotting, but can also irritate the skin to produce red bumps.

3.What harm do bedbugs do to the human body?

Bedbugs’ harassment of humans is mainly to suck human blood after human sleep at night. When it sucks blood, it will secrete alkaline saliva into human skin. This alkaline saliva stimulates the red pimple produced by the skin which is more itchy than the red envelopes bitten by mosquitoes, and lasts for a long time. It takes about two weeks for the condition to subside. If people are bitten by bedbugs for a long time, it can cause iron deficiency anemia (especially in people with nutritional deficiencies and children), nervousness and blood deficiency, asthma, dizziness and insomnia, which seriously endangers physical and mental health.

Bedbug Interceptor

4.What causes bed bugs?

The environment is not ventilated and humid for a long time which will create favorable conditions for bed bugs to reproduce. Therefore, the poor sanitary conditions and poor ventilation conditions of collective dormitories are easy to breed bedbugs. In addition, there are many people in and out of the hotel every day, and it is also easy to be infected with bedbugs, and bedbugs will be taken to all parts of the country through clothing and luggage, and the spread is very large.

5.How to keep bedbugs out of your home.

(1) All luggage and clothing brought indoors from the outside must be carefully checked before being put indoors.

(2) Bedbugs are easy to hide in used furniture, because it is best not to buy used furniture.

(3) Do a good job of indoor cleaning and cleaning the bedbug habitat. All gaps in the inspection room where bedbugs can hide and lay eggs must be blocked. Keep the room ventilated, and the bedding needs to be exposed regularly to create an environment that is not suitable for bed bugs.

Post time: May-28-2024