Note: These are signs that your plant is suffering from bird infestation!

Factories are likely to be ideal habitats for birds due to their shelter, food, water and nesting conditions. And once the birds have settled in your plant, it’s hard to keep them away.

Therefore, timely detection of signs of bird infestation and immediate control measures can save a lot of time in dealing with bird infestation problems. If your factory shows the following signs, you should seek professional help immediately.

These signs indicate that

Your factory is suffering from bird infestation!

Common Bird Invasion Signs

1. Birds found on roofs or windowsills


2. Bird calls

Birds chirping constantly, especially chicks chirping



3. Bird’s Nest


4. Damaged items

pecked by birds

or contaminated with bird droppings


5. Bird droppings

around bird habitat

there will be a lot of excrement


6. Nest materials and feathers

can clog roof gutters


If your factory has signs of bird infestation, please contact Jinglong, we are a professional bird control product manufacturer and supplier, we are willing to work with you to solve bird infestation problems in a humane way.

Post time: Sep-26-2022