What do you know about rat bait stations?

1.Why set up rat bait stations?

In residential areas, units, parks, residential areas, units, parks, public places, and other crowded activity areas, non-standard rodent poisoning or exposure in the green belt or buildings, will bring harm to children or other animals, and will cause poisoning caused by accidental ingestion.

2.What is a rat bait station?

A rat bait station is a fixed container that can contain poisonous bait and rodents can eat in it. Its main function is to reduce or avoid the feeding of non-target animals and prolong the use time of poisonous bait.

3.How to set up a bait station?

Long-term poison bait stations should be established in hidden places such as parks, green spaces, residential areas, unit yards, garbage transfer stations, farmers’ markets, and public toilets, and 1-2 poison bait stations should be built at intervals of 20-30 meters or per building, along wall corners, near septic tanks, garbage bins, green belts, and public toilets. 

rat bait station

Post time: Jun-20-2024