Why Bird Control? It turns out they have so many potential risks!

Most of the time, birds always appear in our lives with beautiful and smart gestures, and they are often easily overlooked when considering pest problems.


A single bird may not cause big trouble, but if some birds are “into” the wrong “arm” and their numbers show an unmanageable trend, they can also pose a huge threat to people and their property.

You might not think that birds pose so many potential risks.


1. Health risks


In addition to the birds themselves, their droppings and nests can also carry dozens of viruses, bacteria and parasites, such as:

● Salmonella – causes food poisoning

● E. coli – causes diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps

● Cryptococcus – causes lung disease

● Listeria – causes vomiting, fever and convulsions

This undoubtedly poses a health risk to people living near large numbers of birds.


2. Property damage

Birds can damage crops and cause economic losses to farmers.

Bird droppings, while a valuable fertilizer, can also damage people’s property in a number of ways.

Bird droppings are acidic and can corrode almost any building material, including steel, wood and even brick. The feces can damage roofs, ventilation systems or drains, and can also render the solar panels on the roof unusable.


At the same time, bird droppings also pose a risk of contamination to the factory area. If birds fly into improperly protected workshops and warehouses, bird droppings may cause machines or equipment to become inoperable and require repair or replacement.

In addition, bird droppings can also cause corrosion to the body paint. The longer the poop stays on the paint, the more damage it can cause.


3. Increased costs


For businesses, regular cleaning of bird droppings will undoubtedly add additional time and money costs.

This makes the installation of continuous bird control products all the more necessary.


4. Accidents


Bird droppings can also lead to accidents such as slips and falls.


5. Violation of regulations

In food and other industries, if the government or industry-related hygiene guidelines are not followed, and bird precautions are neglected, food safety problems may arise, which will not only have a negative impact on the corporate image, but also cause the company to face fines or even suspend business for rectification.


6. Security Risks

Birds love to build their nests, and nesting materials for birds, such as twigs, sticks, grass clippings, animal hair and straw, are easily combustible, which also poses a potential fire hazard.



In addition, the habitation of birds near the airport will also pose a certain threat to the flight safety of aircraft taking off and landing.


Because of this, bird control needs to be taken seriously, whether in homes, businesses or public spaces.


Jinglong is a professional bird control product manufacturer and supplier, we are willing to work with you to solve the

problem of bird damage in a humane way.

Post time: Jun-13-2022